I pawned all my possessions down at Church and Queen|Just to buy you a diamond ring|But the years went by, and the clasp grew loose|I tried to fix it, but it weren't no use|So you washed your hands of me|You just couldn't let a good thing be|But when you washed your hands of me, |Your diamond went down the drain, your diamond went down the drain.|I saw you standing at the bathroom sink|The look you gave me made my poor heart shrink|I don't know who's right, and I don't know who's wrong|But I know that it's over; the stone is gone|So you washed your hands of me,|And the gem slipped down into the endless sea|But when you washed your hands of me,|Your diamond went down the drain, your diamond went down the drain|Yeah, you scrubbed away, as if love was obscene|You said 'out damned spot, will it never be clean?'|But when you washed your hands, your diamond went down the drain.||