Born rest less
Keep i t inside
You don't mind
You don't get i t
Born rest less
You're a natural d isaster
I won't belong to your wor ld
Open the gates
Light u p the way
I wi l l not l ive secret ly
I wi l l not delay
I t 's wher e I belong
But i n the night I ' l l s t ray
Into the cold
I c reep forward si lent ly
To avoid catast rophe
There's no safe place for me to be
As I 'm dei f ied and hidden i n this underbel ly
Who have I become?
Why so far?
Why so far?
Why won't you wai t?
Wai t for me
Die, wr i the inside
Die i nside, crystal l ise
We'r e l iving out your fantasy
But you' l l d ie
Wr i the inside
Crystal l ise
Born rest less
Keep i t inside
You don't mind
You don't get i t
Born rest less
You're a natural d isaster
St i l l I lay awake i n the night
The serpent in my eyes
You take from me the wor ld
The serpent in my eyes