It's after midnight on my phone
Grinder's open can't be alone
Expired twinks they come and go
Tina Turnther puttin' on a show
Pop up ads in my face
Secret dads in a "safe" space
Headless horsemen ridin' by
Swipe right left I don't know why
5000 heys they fill my screen
Carplay offers if you know what I mean
Scrolling through this nightmare ride
On this roller coaster I can't hide
Profiles fading fast disappear
Tina's back and she's still here
Wanna chat but where's the face
Climbing up this neverending chase
It's a wild world in the moonlight
Tryin' to find love in a digital fight
Sleepy eyes and a restless mind
Hoping this time I find my kind
Expired twinks as ghosts they haunt
Messages from many who taunt
Secret dads with secrets kept
Hope in the dark where nightmares are swept