The Velvet Underground was an American rock band, active between 1964 and 1973, formed in New York City by Lou Reed and John Cale, who both went on to find success as solo artists.
Also Known As: The Warlocks, The Falling Spikes Members:
Lou Reed
John Cale
Sterling Morrison
Angus MacLise
Moe Tucker
Doug Yule
Billy Yule
Walter Powers
Willie Alexander
Name Origin:
The band is named after a contemporary pulp paperback of the same name by Michael Leigh.Its about the secret sexual subculture of the early 1960s. Cale's friend Tony Conrad showed the group the book.MacLise made the suggestion to adopt the title as the band's name. From: New York City, United States Genre(s):
art rock,
experimental rock,
psychedelic rock,
Classic Rock Active From: 1964-1973, 1990, 1992-1994, 1996 Associated Acts:
Lou Reed,