I've gotta be careful with the fragments
There is no meat left
The ants and rain-the loss and pain
Have eaten most all of it away
I don't know
I'm just told
I'm not lost
I'm just cold
The television's in the corner
I've got my toys and i can play
Manipulate my little world
Pass the time til the next day
Nothing's changed sometimes
I lost my voice, some renegade
We're as alone as we choose to be
Finding signs now instead of dreams
And i can see what i think is me
In the moves of my son and daughter
How i know my history
Let mourning pass in a broken garden
Love them harder
Learn to walk
And it's not much harder
Change of heart or
Something harder
Take me home, I'll try to live without her
Learn to father
Only bother
Yearn to walk
While the garden grows darker