I came to this place perhaps too late for the moments
Seemed lost and twisted. fear and confusion choked the
Minds of those around me as desperate images faded into
Oblivion. and as i fell i knew me course for it was the
Only way to show the images of reason and to set into
Motion the change of this perpetual course of destruction
Moving through time and space the burning cold of severity
Coursing through my veins. paths crossed with nature's
Intersections revealing the scars of intervention
There is only one way now. to become the traveler
To become nomad
Copulatus angles twist sharply to hide their poison. their
Roots grown deeply into the soil of the consciousness
Disconnecting the conditioning can be painful as is birth
After death but for these souls to be allowed their freedom
Their spirits must be released
And so again shall time be a testament of creation. release
The interface so truth shall seek them all. trapped in the
Matrix of lies and death no more. released into emptiness
The healing must begin. be strong little angels your hell is
About to be, as i leave you now and disclose the ultimate sacrifice