The Theotokos and Mother of the Light
Honouring with hymns, we magnify
Come, let us with pure souls and blameless lips
Magnify the undefiled and All-pure Mother of Emmanuel
Offering through her, to Him, Who was born of her, this prayer
'Spare our souls, O Christ our God, and save us'
Glory to You our God, glory to You
Showing himself ungrateful, envious, and cunning
Judas calculates the God-worthy Gift
By which a debt of sins was forgiven
And as a knave he exploited the Divine favor
Spare our souls, O Christ our God, and save us
Glory to You our God, glory to You
Going to the lawless rulers, he says
'What will you give me, and I will deliver to you the Christ
Whom you want and seek?' From the closest bond with Christ
Judas is drawn away by gold. Spare our souls, O Christ our God, and save us
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit
Now and ever and to the Ages of Ages. Amen
O blind and implacable avarice!
How is it that you forgot what You have been taught
That you are a soul, whose worth the world does not equal?
For you, O betrayer, in despair hanged yourself by the neck
Spare our souls, O Christ our God, and save us
Come, let us with pure souls and blameless lips magnify the undefiled
And All-pure Mother of Emmanuel, offering through her, to Him
Who was born of her, this prayer: 'Spare our souls
O Christ our God, and save us'