What do you do with all of these worlds
What do you mean worlds
All of the worlds inside of your mind
Inside of my mind
What do you mean
I don't get it
What don't you get
What is there to get
I don't get it
The worlds inside of your mind
My mind
Do you get it
Every thing that you think is a world
Else where
Out there
Else where
Out there
Else where
And you are in this world
Don't forget that
I don't
Don't lose that
I won't
And don't hate that because this is the one that matters
All of the ones in your mind
They're just clouds
Think of them like clouds
Let them fly around
But don't ever let them drown you out
They are clouds
Just let them be
You will see
This is your life
Be wise and smile
If you stare at the clouds and you give them a big smile
They won't be so bad
In fact
It'd be great if you smiled because they are not the ones ruining your day
It's yourself
Stop suffering
You don't have to anymore
You are that bitch
You are that girl
You are that boy
You are that